WDS Wiring Diagram System - E39NEW
Telecommunication (TEL Telephone interface or BIT Basis Interface Telephone or JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone or TCU Telematic Control Unit or ULF Universal charging and hands-free facility)
Voice input (SES Language-input system)
Telephone (as of 1998_09 up to 2000_03 with TEL Telephone interface without SES Language-input system)
Telephone (as of 1998_09 up to 2000_03 with SES Language-input system with TEL Telephone interface)
Telephone (( Cellular phone, Siemens (S10) or Cellular phone, Nokia (3110) ) without SES Language-input system up to 2000_09)
Telephone (SES Language-input system with ( Cellular phone, Siemens (S10) or Cellular phone, Nokia (3110) ) up to 2000_09)
Telephone (without USA left-hand drive as of 2000_03 with ( Fixed mounting, Motorola (Phase V+) or Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+) ) without SES Language-input system)
Telephone (without USA left-hand drive as of 2000_03 with ( Fixed mounting, Motorola (Phase V+) or Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+) ) with SES Language-input system)
Telephone (USA left-hand drive as of 2000_03 up to 2002_09 with TEL Telephone interface with SES Language-input system)
Telephone Japan (without USA left-hand drive with JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone)
Telephone (USA left-hand drive as of 2000_03 with ( Fixed mounting, Motorola (Phase V+) or Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+) ) without SES Language-input system)
Telephone (BM On-board monitor without SES Language-input system with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (without BM On-board monitor without SES Language-input system with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (BM On-board monitor with SES Language-input system with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (without BM On-board monitor with SES Language-input system with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (without BM On-board monitor with SES Language-input system with Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (without BM On-board monitor without SES Language-input system with Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (BM On-board monitor without SES Language-input system with Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (BM On-board monitor with SES Language-input system with Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Telephone (without USA left-hand drive with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) without SES Language-input system as of 2001_09 up to 2002_09)
Telephone (without USA left-hand drive with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) with SES Language-input system as of 2001_09 up to 2002_09)
Telephone (without USA left-hand drive with Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) with SES Language-input system as of 2001_09 up to 2002_09)
Telephone (without USA left-hand drive with Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) without SES Language-input system as of 2001_09 up to 2002_09)
Telematics control module (TCU-Everest) (TCU Telematic Control Unit with USA left-hand drive)
Universal electronic charging and hands-free module (ULF) (without SES Language-input system with ULF Universal charging and hands-free facility)
Universal electronic charging and hands-free module (ULF) (SES Language-input system with ULF Universal charging and hands-free facility)
Basic interface telephone (Bit II) (without SES Language-input system with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) as of 2002_09)
Basic interface telephone (Bit II) (SES Language-input system with Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) as of 2002_09)
Motorola V-series (without SES Language-input system with TEL Telephone interface as of 2002_09)
Motorola V-series (SES Language-input system with TEL Telephone interface as of 2002_09)
Telematics control module (TCU-Everest) (without SES Language-input system with TCU Telematic Control Unit without USA left-hand drive)
Telematics control module (TCU-Everest) (SES Language-input system with TCU Telematic Control Unit without USA left-hand drive)
Telephone (mobile/cellular) Phase IV, Phase IV Plus, Phase V (TEL Telephone interface)
Telephone provisions (USA left-hand drive as of 2000_03)
Mobile Basis interface telephone (BIT Basis Interface Telephone or JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone)
Motorola cellular phone (as of 1998_09 up to 2000_03 with Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+))
Motorola cellular phone (without USA left-hand drive as of 2000_03 with ( Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+) or Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) ))
Cellular phone, Motorola Star Tac (USA left-hand drive as of 2000_03 with Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+))
Motorola fixed installation (Fixed mounting, Motorola (Phase V+))
CKPH Siemens fixed mounting (BIT Basis Interface Telephone)
Universal charging and hands-free facility (ULF Universal charging and hands-free facility)
TCU Telematic Control Unit (TCU Telematic Control Unit)
Microphone (( Cellular phone, Siemens (S10) or Cellular phone, Nokia (3110) ) without SES Language-input system)
Microphone (( Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+) or Fixed mounting, Motorola (Phase V+) ) without SES Language-input system)
Voice input (DSP Digital Sound Processor with SES Language-input system with ( Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+) or Fixed mounting, Motorola (Phase V+) ))
Voice input (DSP Digital Sound Processor with SES Language-input system with ( Cellular phone, Siemens (S10) or Cellular phone, Nokia (3110) ))
Voice input (SES Language-input system with ( Cellular phone, Motorola (Phase V+) or Fixed mounting, Motorola (Phase V+) ) without DSP Digital Sound Processor)
Voice input (SES Language-input system with ( Cellular phone, Siemens (S10) or Cellular phone, Nokia (3110) ) without DSP Digital Sound Processor up to 2001_03)
Microphone/DSP Japan (JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_03 up to 2000_09)
Microphone/DSP Japan (JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone with DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_03 up to 2000_09)
Microphone/DSP (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) without SES Language-input system with BM On-board monitor without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Microphone/DSP (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) without SES Language-input system with BM On-board monitor with DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Microphone/DSP (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) without SES Language-input system without BM On-board monitor without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Microphone/DSP (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) without SES Language-input system without BM On-board monitor with DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Microphone (Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) without SES Language-input system)
Voice input (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) with SES Language-input system with BM On-board monitor with DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Voice input (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) with SES Language-input system with BM On-board monitor without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Voice input (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) with SES Language-input system without BM On-board monitor without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Voice input (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) with SES Language-input system without BM On-board monitor with DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Voice input (Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) with SES Language-input system without BM On-board monitor without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Voice input (Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) with SES Language-input system with DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2001_09 up to 2002_09)
Microphone/DSP Japan (BM On-board monitor without DSP Digital Sound Processor with JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Microphone/DSP Japan (BM On-board monitor with DSP Digital Sound Processor with JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Voice input (SES Language-input system with TEL Telephone interface without DSP Digital Sound Processor with BM On-board monitor as of 2000_09 up to 2001_09)
Voice input (SES Language-input system with TEL Telephone interface without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2001_09)
Voice input (SES Language-input system with Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) with DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2001_09 up to 2002_09)
Voice input (Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) with SES Language-input system without DSP Digital Sound Processor as of 2001_09 up to 2002_09)
Microphone Japan (JBIT Japan Basis Interface Telephone without SES Language-input system as of 2000_03)
Voice input (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) with SES Language-input system as of 2002_09)
Interfaces loudspeaker, radio (mute) Microphone (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) without SES Language-input system as of 2002_09)
Voice input (Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) with SES Language-input system as of 2002_09)
Interfaces loudspeaker, radio (mute) Microphone (Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) without SES Language-input system as of 2002_09)
Voice input control preparation With shorting jumper (Cellular phone, Motorola (V Series) as of 2002_09)
Voice input control preparation With shorting jumper (Fixed mounting, Siemens (cordless handset) as of 2002_09)
Interfaces loudspeaker, radio (mute) Microphone (TCU Telematic Control Unit without SES Language-input system without USA left-hand drive)
Voice input control preparation With shorting jumper (TCU Telematic Control Unit)
Voice input (TCU Telematic Control Unit with SES Language-input system)
Interfaces loudspeaker, radio (mute) Microphone (ULF Universal charging and hands-free facility without SES Language-input system)
Voice input control preparation With shorting jumper (ULF Universal charging and hands-free facility)
Voice input (ULF Universal charging and hands-free facility with SES Language-input system)
Siemens S10 with Basic Telephone Interface (GSM Network) (without SES Language-input system)
SES Voice Input (SES Language-input system)